While You Were Napping

lets be honest, i wish they were napping

Blog 9: 10 people who have influenced you & describe how..

Hi Friends
well..preschool is a hit. my kids love it. I’m thankful that they are excited to learn and are waking up ready to go. I love that I hear them saying scriptures through out the day at home too! Makes it a lot easier to work full time knowing that what they are learning at school is what we are focusing on at home as well.

So 10 people how have influenced me…
1. My parents/Family: I am blessed to have a mom and dad who made sure we never went with out. They worked hard, and still work hard. Was life always perfect at the McCafferty house growing up, umm…sure. haha..no but we do have great memories and great bond. I hope I am as great of a parent and grandparent that they are. This year they celebrated 32 years of marriage which is so rare in our society. I know its something they have worked for. While many people have come into my life that I admire and would deem “role-model” they are my heroes and ultimate role models. I am thankful that God gave me to them. I am thankful for my siblings too and awesome grandparents!

2. The Wescotts: Not to many people can say they love their in-laws. But I do. I was so nervous when I got married because you hear all the horror stories. All I can remember from my wedding was instant relief as we listened to our parents and siblings laughing so hard playing Taboo. They are some of the most welcome, generous, loving people I have met. I have never felt like their daughter in law just their daughter. I have always wanted older brothers…not sure I ever thought up Seth and Thad. I can hear Thad saying..How could have ever thought up such greatness…so full of himself..lol. But they are wonderful Brother-In-Laws and Uncles and great brothers to Tyler and me.

3. My Youth Pastor: I have to give props to Sis. T for putting up with all of us as teenagers. She took us to events, she met up for Starbucks, gave up weekends to hang out with teenagers, took us to camp, all while being mom and wife. She lived her life out in front of us. I admire her faith and she was very influential in who I am today. I hope I am able to impact lives the way she did mine.

4. Calicinto Ranch: How could you live somewhere for 2 years and not have it be influential? This was one of those interesting times in my life right after being saturated for 4 years at Bible College and then kinda thrust into real life you have to discovered who are you without Chapel, Bible Classes every moment of the day. The Pirelli Family was a wonderful example of the body of Christ and so many mentors, board members, dream builders, Pastors, youth groups who poured into my life as much as we did theirs will never be forgotten. I am thankful for all of the campers that crossed my path and reminded me I have so much to be thankful for and such a responsibility. I am thankful for Wrangler Pals that still keep in touch and their friendships are definitely life lasting.

5. SAGU: I have to lump a bunch of folks under SAGU..otherwise we would be here for days..literally. lol. So many great people, friends, professors, and friends from the community of Waxahachie that I met through Cornerstone. I am so proud to be a LION and Waxahachie is definitely one of the places I feel at home. I would be totally fine if we found our home there one day.

6. My SAGU girls…ok these can’t be lumped together. Heather, Christine, Ashley, Stef…I love that we can meet once a year after living every moment of our lives together and its like nothing has changed…oh maybe it has a bit. Kids husbands different continents and states. whats a little change among friends? 🙂 You show me and continue to show me what true Godly friendship is. I hope my children find friends like you.

7. The Dalrymples: To know this family is to love this family. I think I was so blessed to have them in my life as a whole while I was in high school. I do not make friends easily. SHOCKER, I know for those who truly know me. I still struggle with it as an adult. I’ve gotten better..kinda. I am thankful that God gave me my friend Braden. I am blessed to still be so thankful for his friendship and that of his beautiful wife Kacie. So many fun memories and lessons learned from his parents about how to serve the Lord and overcoming fear of not being enough for the Lord to use you. I wish we lived closer so our kids could be friends and I could enjoy some chips and salsa on the counter with a life long friend when things go crazy.

8. First AG New Caney Family: Pretty sure all my childhood memories take place there, a good amount of them. Even though there was a season when I swore I would never go back there, I am thankful that there is healing that for all the exciting plans the Lord has for this body of believers. I pray the children and youth growing there find true genuine friendships, memories, mentors, and a love for the Lord.

9. New Bethel Assembly/The Bensons: One of the few places that I have found to be comfortable as home. I am thankful that Stef invited us to attend with her and we found friends and a place to learn and serve the Lord. I still have notes from Pastors sermons and I think I really learned principles that I always heard but was able to apply them to my life in a real way. Oh my Dawn. How I love her. She is someone you can just be yourself with. I am thankful she always makes you feel like you are the most important person when you visit. Her passion for loving and serving Jesus is contagious. When Hanna broke her arm we were able to visit with her more this summer. Hanna loves her so much..shes call her…her sister! haha!!! I am excited for the new Grace Place and wish we could be a part.

10…hmmm last but not least..the love and hero of my life – My husband! Hes my greatest encourager, my most favorite person in the world (besides H & K). Greatest friend I have EVER had.. and I have some pretty awesome friends. He shows me how Jesus loves me. So selfless and generous. I learn from him daily. I am thankful to take on life and all of its challenges with him, and together I think we can conquer anything.

I’m sure I will think of a million others or someone will read it and say hey..what about.. These are the top 10 that came to my mind. I’m sure they will evolve over the years. I’m sure Jackie Graves could make this list or LFA family but those who folks who are in the making now and these are people who have helped get me to where I am today.

Gotta get some lunch for the kiddos
Happy Saturday

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Blog 7: What is your dream job?

You mean besides this domestic bliss. 🙂

In all seriousness I love being mom. Its not hard to love the cutest kids you’ve ever seen. I have had different jobs so far in my life. I worked in retail doing audit and office work, I’ve been a cashier at Cracker Barrel (I try to forget this brief one), I have worked in an office at a Summer camp, I’ve been a preschool after care teacher, I once worked one day at a tux rental shop came home and cried and quit (it was a low moment and a day of just ironing), I’ve worked in Marketing with Sam’s, I’ve worked at a non-profit doing an assortment of things (mostly office work) and now I work at a video rental store. 

Probably the most challenging and more rewarding was the non-profit. It was something I had wanted to do and was blessed with the great opportunity after college and was able. I made wonderful friends, and miss them all very much! 

So besides being momma, what would be my dream job?

Can I just crochet all day? 🙂 I would love to open some type of a craft shop/lab/studio type thing. Where people can buy craft supplies but can take classes or borrow/rent machines to do projects. Or just hang out with a cup of coffee and craft. 🙂 I think that would be so much fun.

I would love to be on staff at a camp again too. Its one of the most rewarding experiences. Camp changes lives. Maybe one day 🙂

Whatever you do my loves remember to do it unto God. He will honor your hard work and right now you may not get to do the job that is a dream but its someones dream and they have entrusted it to us to help them. And when you are faithful in small things God gives you big things and you might have the chance to work at the dream job of your own. 


Love you H & K!


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Blog 6: 3 Wishes

FIrst..I like to “wish” my love Tyler a happy birthday! Welcome to the 30’s baby. It looks good on you. I hope your day is as wonderful as you are. 

Today’s blog topic is 3 wishes..hmm can I wish for a million more wishes? I feel like this is a beauty pageant question…I wish for world peace! 

Wish 1: I would wish to be debt free. Please if you are able, do not ever use a credit card. Save money for college and things you really want/need. I wish someone would have taught us. We are learning and I pray we are able to show you how to be wise with your money.

Wish 2: I wish there was no death/sickness. I understand its a part of life. There are so many cool people you are missing out on meeting. I hope Im able to pass on their memory to you and in a way live a little longer.

Wish 3: I would wish for people to know Christ and the hope that I find in Him. I don’t think I’m a super Christian or that I have it all together but I do know that in Him all is well. 

Have a great week! I actually have 3 days off this week..in a row! woohoo! Im thinking play with the kids, sew and craft! woohoo Heaven! Now if only my love were here…soon! 



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BLOG 5: 5 Things that make me happy right now

5 Things that make me happy right now.

1. My family. Not only our little 4 but our siblings, our parents and extended family. We are so very blessed to have this support structure for our family of 4. They are in fact vital to our success.

2. My church. There should be an LFA at every military post. (lawtonfirst.org) Last deployment wasn’t horrible but I can count on one hand the amount of friends that were my own. This deployment we have a place where we can grow in our relationship with the Lord, and have friends who have families who are doing the same thing. Its an amazing place and I’m so thankful we found our church.

3. Food. I think mostly learning to be a better cook. I still call my mom and request certain meals. I hope that I am able to do that and its just not a list of places you want me to order from. (Although I am really good at order food too)

4. Being creative. I am thankful I have my little outlet on the world (www.whileyouwerenapping.etsy.com). Thank goodness for things like Blogs and crafts 🙂 They make me happy.

5. Getting mail/email. Mostly because its from your dad. It takes time to sit down and do those things so I feel very loved when I know he is busy and takes time to write a note. 🙂 awee so sappy. 

Have a great week! You are loved!


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